AF21216-Tsuba: Morihira Sinryuseki


Tsuba:(NBTHK Hozon Tosogu)
Mei (signature) : Morihira Sinryuseki

Length :  7.96 cm x 7.19 cm ( 3.13 inches x 2.83 inches)
Thickness of rim: 0.42 cm ( 0.16 inches)
Jidai(era) :Edo period

Special feature: Sloping-shaped copper Tsuba, a japanese ogre is engraved and painted with gold color. The metalsmith has written the explanation on the Kiri box by himself.

NBTHK Hozon Tosogu(*the paper will be issued later.)
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

オークション開始価格: 350,000円(消費税、送料共)


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2021/12/11 (Sat) 14:35

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