Book: Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston(Limited 550 copies)


Book: Japanese Swords and Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston(Limited 550 copies)
ボストン美術館蔵 日本刀・刀装・刀装具集

Size:38 cm x 26.8 cm x 3cm
Author: Catalogue by Morihiro Ogawa.
Publisher: Otsuka Kogeisha

*Please note: The price does not include the shipping fee.

Winning Bid: ¥21,000


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Highest bidder was : kansaidigitalphone

2020/11/19 (Thu) 21:25
2020/11/19 (Thu) 06:08
Auction started
2020/11/13 (Fri) 17:13

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