AF20397-Set of Tosogu : Wada Isshin (Kaou)


Set of Tosogu: Kozuka and Kogai (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper )
Mei (Signature): Wada Isshin (Kaou)

Kozuka : 9.6cm x 1.4cm (3.77inches x 0.55inches )
Kozuka Kogatana: 22.1cm (8.70 inches x 0.21 inches) (Not removable)

Kogai : 21.2cm x 1.2cm (8.34cm x 0.47cm)

Jidai(era): End of Edo period to the early Meiji period.

Special feature: Shakudo Nanako plate. Family crests (Kirimon) are engraved with gold color.
Wada Isshin was born in 1814 in Karasumaru Kyoto.
After learning under Fujiki Kyube, he was founded by a sword dealer Sawada Chube and become a student of Goto Ichijyo and received the signature Isshin from him. He was also called Seiryu, Masataka.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

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2020/11/19 (Thu) 11:26

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