AF20349 Tsuba: Bushu Ju Masakata


Ordering number : AF20349(Consignment sale)

Mei (signature) : Bushu Ju Masakata.

Length :  7.25 cm x 6.85 cm ( 2.85 inches x 2.69 inches)
Thickness of rim: 0.37 cm ( 0.14 inches)
Weight: 73grams.
Jidai(era) :Edo period

Special feature: Bamboo and bamboo leaves are engraved
anode open work with gold color.
Busyu Masakata ‘s family name is Ito.
First He was called Genjiro and later on his name was Jinuemon.
He succeeded Ito family 2nd generation.
He called Busyu Masakata and lived Edo Kanda Shirogane city.
He is good at flower, branch and leaves.
Especially He mada Bamboo and bamboo laves mainly.
Middle Edo period.

AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

Starting bid: ¥0

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Start On: 2024/10/08 (Tue) 03:27

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Ending On: 2024/10/08 (Tue) 03:27

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